Marianella & Tim get married, part 2
Greetings again everyone~
I hope everything is going well for you back in the States. From what I read on the weather reports, it looks like it´s starting to get chilly, meanwhile the weather in Lima seems to finally be warming up. We had a couple tremors in the region last week (I wasn´t able to feel them, which was probably best-I´m not ready for my new family to see me whimpering and curled in a ball on the floor just yet :)), and according to Marianella when tremors occur, it causes the weather to change for a few days, so our days down here last week probably weren´t that different than back in Minnesota, perhaps a bit warmer though.
Anyway, enough of the weather report, I´m guessing you all are curious about the headline in this recent entry. Well, Marianella and I had such a good time at our first wedding, we decided to do it again. Actually, the details are a bit more complicated than that, and I´ll try to explain succintly. When you move to a foreign country and want to work in that country you need some form of visa allowing you to do so. One of the options in Peru, and the best one for me, is the document certifying that I´m married to a Peruvian citizen. Simple, right? Unfortunately the state of Minnesota does their wedding certificates different than the other states in the U.S. by not indicating the marital status of the two people joining in matrimony before they actually wed. The result is bureaucratic headaches. In consulting with those in the know, we found the best option to go was to officially marry again with a Peruvian officiating the wedding. So, that is what we did last Saturday, October 18th. I guarantee that Marianella´s going to be pushing for two anniversary gifts now :).
I know we told many of you that we were going to renew our vows in Peru with Marianella´s family present. That will still be occurring, in a larger ceremony where we break out the wedding dress and a tux again (probably sometime in January), but this ceremony was a small affair with Marianella´s most immediate family present at Donatello´s, an Italian restaurant in Miraflores (a suburb of Lima). This ceremony came together very quickly, but it turned out very nice and very touching. Since Marianella´s parents and brother were not allowed to attend the wedding in the States, a lot of emotion and heartfelt toasts were given last Saturday night and no one objected to the bride marrying the groom (at least I don´t think there was-I´m still learning my Español :)). I´ve included some pictures from the ceremony and as in June, the bride´s beauty stole the show. Best wishes to everyone back in the States, stay warm, and take care~Tim & Marianella
Making it official:

With our witnesses, cousins Rocio and Diego:
With Marianella´s parents:
With Marianella´s brother, German:
With Aunt Adriana and Cousin Diego:
With Aunt Lola:
With Cousin Fernando and niece Jimena:
Who knows what she´s telling everyone about me?:
Marianella kicking back, enjoying a laugh: