Marianella & Tim get married, part 2

Greetings again everyone~ I hope everything is going well for you back in the States. From what I read on the weather reports, it looks like it´s starting to get chilly, meanwhile the weather in Lima seems to finally be warming up. We had a couple tremors in the region last week (I wasn´t able to feel them, which was probably best-I´m not ready for my new family to see me whimpering and curled in a ball on the floor just yet :)), and according to Marianella when tremors occur, it causes the weather to change for a few days, so our days down here last week probably weren´t that different than back in Minnesota, perhaps a bit warmer though. Anyway, enough of the weather report, I´m guessing you all are curious about the headline in this recent entry. Well, Marianella and I had such a good time at our first wedding, we decided to do it again. Actually, the details are a bit more complicated than that, and I´ll try to explain succintly. When you move to a foreign country and want to work i...