We're Still Alive & Kicking!
Greetings again everyone!
Wow, has it been a long time since I've updated this blog. I didn't realize how long until I logged on tonight and saw that the last update was on August 7th, over two months ago. I can blame it on one thing-the working life :). Now that both of us are working full-time, our routine has been pretty standard and without too much excitement. However, that all changed in the past ten days or so as we once again welcomed visitors from the States, our good friends Anna and Dave. You may remember Anna as the maid of honor in our wedding and it was the first time since Marianella moved down here that she was able to reconnect with her dear friend, so it was a very fun and special time for us.
We said goodbye and sent them off on the airplane home late last night, but during their slightly over a week stay in Peru, we took them to some of the "must see" sites of Lima, enjoyed some fine dining both out and in the kitchens of Marianella and her parents, and they also fit in a trip to Cusco and Macchu Picchu, so it was quite a whirlwind and the time went quickly. Anna and Dave also saw a side of Lima we have yet to experience, as you will see in the pictures below. Their adventurous side took them up into the sky, as they glided over the city and Pacific Ocean. Marianella and I are convinced we need to try it now-we think :).
Marianella and Anna:

The required tourist shot at Love Park:
More Love Park:

A birds-eye view of Lima:
Anna coming in for a landing:
At our favorite nightspot in Barranco:
Dave, Anna, my mother in-law, aunt, and myself, along with Chocolate:
As I stated before, outside of our visitors life has been pretty quiet for us, but going well. Both Marianella and I are quite busy with our jobs, but a good sort of busy. I'm really enjoying my job as a high school counselor at the American school. It starts with the kids on my caseload and thus far, they have been universally polite and respectful and very interesting-whether it's a Peruvian who has lived here their whole life, an American who recently moved here because their parents work for the Embassy, or a Korean student who's here because of their father's business, the variety of students and their stories gives the job quite a bit of an international flavor. As for Marianella, she continues to clip along as the head of first grade teachers at the British school and is thriving both with her kids and in the leadership position. We have both just recently had our spring break which allowed us to relax and regenerate.
What's on the horizon? Well, over Thanksgiving weekend we're going to head to the Peruvian city of Cajamarca and then Christmas comes knocking shortly thereafter. Because it is summer at that time in Peru, Christmas break is tied together with summer vacation, meaning we have about two months off which means I will be returning back to Minnesota right after December 25th for about three weeks. So, expect the blog to be updated a bit more frequently in these next few months. Best wishes from Marianella and myself~Tim
Wow, has it been a long time since I've updated this blog. I didn't realize how long until I logged on tonight and saw that the last update was on August 7th, over two months ago. I can blame it on one thing-the working life :). Now that both of us are working full-time, our routine has been pretty standard and without too much excitement. However, that all changed in the past ten days or so as we once again welcomed visitors from the States, our good friends Anna and Dave. You may remember Anna as the maid of honor in our wedding and it was the first time since Marianella moved down here that she was able to reconnect with her dear friend, so it was a very fun and special time for us.
We said goodbye and sent them off on the airplane home late last night, but during their slightly over a week stay in Peru, we took them to some of the "must see" sites of Lima, enjoyed some fine dining both out and in the kitchens of Marianella and her parents, and they also fit in a trip to Cusco and Macchu Picchu, so it was quite a whirlwind and the time went quickly. Anna and Dave also saw a side of Lima we have yet to experience, as you will see in the pictures below. Their adventurous side took them up into the sky, as they glided over the city and Pacific Ocean. Marianella and I are convinced we need to try it now-we think :).
Marianella and Anna:
The required tourist shot at Love Park:
A birds-eye view of Lima:
What's on the horizon? Well, over Thanksgiving weekend we're going to head to the Peruvian city of Cajamarca and then Christmas comes knocking shortly thereafter. Because it is summer at that time in Peru, Christmas break is tied together with summer vacation, meaning we have about two months off which means I will be returning back to Minnesota right after December 25th for about three weeks. So, expect the blog to be updated a bit more frequently in these next few months. Best wishes from Marianella and myself~Tim