
Showing posts from August, 2016

First Week In Beijing

Greetings Everyone, And once again, hello from the other side of the world (for most of you).   However, this time our flight was a relative breeze, as travel time encompassed a mere 24 hours from Lima to Beijing; in our days of living in Dhaka, we could anticipate a minimum of eight more hours of transit, so we felt fresh as a spring shower when we landed in Beijing (okay, a slight exaggeration. . .). Anyhow, I wanted to provide a quick little update on our travels, to verify that we indeed did arrive and to give you a report one week in Beijing.   Firstly, the new jobs-we are just shy of ecstatic that we have landed at this school, Western Academy of Beijing.   From the beautiful campus (photos to follow at a later date) to the vibrant learning community, Marianella and I feel as if we have arrived at a special place to work.   Of course, the honeymoon is early and being the grizzled veterans that we are, we aren’t getting too ahead of ourselves, but we a...