Fall Break in Bangkok & Luang Prabang
Greetings strangers, It has been quite some time since you've last heard from me via this blog. My best intentions to do a write-up about the wonderful summer that Marianella and I enjoyed when home in Peru & Minnesota did not materialize once we returned to the hustle and bustle of working life in Dhaka. A rapid start to the school year brought our fall break upon us before we could figuratively blink, which was alright by us-as you know by now, we are always happy to get out and explore more of the world that surrounds us. It has been about four weeks since we wrapped up our vacation-keeping in time with the rapidly moving days, most of my time spent writing on the computer since our return to Dhaka has been involved with writing letters of recommendation to colleges. It's a bit of vacation to write about vacation. Our most recent adventure had us splitting our time between Thailand and Laos pretty evenly-we spent roughly three full days and nights in these vas