Return to Huaraz and a Big Move Coming
Greetings folks, How have you all been? I will avoid my common refrain of stating how I can't believe how long it's been since I've last posted on this blog. . .instead I will just jump into it and push down the page the disturbing mustache I sported four months ago. Shortly after Christmas, Marianella and I found ourselves back in Minnesota during the most agreeable winter weather I've ever experienced in all my days. Besides enjoying time with friends and family, we also undertook a major decision which I'll share with you all in just a bit (how bout the suspense I'm building?) After returning to Peru, we've been keeping ourselves occupied with work while enduring one of the hotter summers in recent history for Lima. Last week afforded us our first extended break since our return home, so we traveled to one of our favorite spots to visit in Peru, particularly for myself. Leaving the heat and humidity of Lima, we ascended through the mountains to the c...