
Showing posts from May, 2011


Hello again faithful, loyal, patient readers of the blog~ I hope life is treating you all well. Winter has descended upon Lima within the last couple weeks, ending an extended summer by reintroducing the gray, foggy skies that get trapped between the Pacific Ocean and the mountains ringing the sprawling city. While it certainly doesn't rival a Minnesota winter, an escape from the overcast scenery is eagerly taken when available which is what Marianella and I did this weekend. Lunahuana (pronounced loon-uh-wanna) is about a two and a half hour drive south and inland from Lima. As we progressed down the Peruvian coast and turned inland, the anticipated sun was not arriving. It was not present until we advanced through a mountain pass and began the descent towards Lunahuana where rays of sun began to break through the cover and as we passed into the small town, we were bathed in sunshine. Lunahuana exists in a river valley that bursts with vegetation while the surrounding barren ...