Has It Really Been Six Months???
Aye carumba! If you look way back at the very first post I ever made for Stokes in Peru, I promised a weekly update of my adventures in Peru. What's the old cliche-promises are made to be broken? Even if it was inevitable that I wouldn't keep up the weekly pace, it is a shame that I fell off my steady output that existed within the first year or so of life down in Peru. It may be a bit late to start casting out New Year's Resolutions in early April, but I'm vowing once again to get more steady production up on this blog. So what have Marianella and I been up to since early October? Well, there's been lots of work in those months, but we did have quite a nice vacation back in the Upper Midwest from Christmas through mid-February (I know what you're thinking-what an ideal time to visit Minnesota!) and we've mixed in enough interesting things within the last six months to throw them up onto the blog, I suppose. I will start with late October and into Novemb...