
Showing posts from March, 2009

Back in Peru

Greetings again everyone~ It has been quite awhile since I've updated the blog. That was due in large part to my trip back to Minnesota between mid January to mid February, but we've also experienced issues at home with our computer, so I'm relying upon Marianella's work laptop for now and figured I better get you all updated while I had the opportunity (rather than whittle my time away playing online Sudoku-be forewarned, it's quite addictive!) As stated I was back in Minnesota for about a month, and I happened to arrive on the coldest day not only this year, but for the last several years. It took a bit to get my system adjusted, but fortunately, a winter thaw arrived shortly before I returned to Peru, pushing tempertures up into the 40's and making my readjustment to Peru's summer not so severe. I was happy to get a lot accomplished when I was home, plus I was able to spend quality time with family & friends. If I wasn't able to see you while home...